Creating the Database
These are the steps required to set up and connect to the database, and create the required table etc
Create the Model for the Database
First, we need a model to represent the data that will be held in our database.
For the diary app we are going to create we need a database that has the following columns:
Right-click on the Models folder in the solution explorer, select add, then select class. Enter the name DiaryEntry.
Add the properties we need for the database:
We will use EntityFramework to create our database using this model. The name given to the table will be the name of the model, DiaryEntry. And the columns will be named after our four properties.
- Note:
The name of the property / column that will be used as the identifier needs to be called either Id, or the name of the class followed by Id (DiaryEntryId). If you wish to use another name, then it requires a key attribute like this:
But if the name Id, or DiaryEntryId is used, then this is not required.
To prevent the user from creating entries in the database with null values, add the required attribute to the properties. And to prevent any possible null reference exceptions, initialize the values so they can never be empty:
Add a Connection String
Next, we need to add a connection string to link our application to the database.
Update the appsettings.json file with a connection string:
For the database field, you should enter whatever you would like the created database to be called. For user id and password, you should use the appropriate details for your SQL Server instance.
Install the Required Packages
Next, we need to install EntityFrameworkCore in our application.
Go to the Nuget Package manager, and search for and add the following packages to the project:
- Note:
If you go the csproj file, you will now see the references to the added packages.
Create a Database Context Class
next, we need to create a database context class called ApplicationDbContext
, which is a part of Entity Framework Core. This context class is used to interact with the database.
Create a new folder within the project called Data. Then add a new class file called ApplicationDbContext:
Add a constructor and inherit from DbContext
, which is a class from EF Core that manages database connections and is used to query or save data to the database. Pass in a parameter called options
of type DbContextOptions<ApplicationDbContext>
. DbContextOptions
encapsulates all the configuration related to DbContext
, such as database connection strings, database provider (SQL Server, SQLite, etc.), and other database-specific settings. Pass this to the base class using : base(options)
. This ensures that the DbContext is properly configured with those options.
Add a DbSet property of type DiaryEntries (the model we created for our table)
DbSet is a property declaration within the ApplicationDbContext class, which is part of an Entity Framework Core context. This property maps the DiaryEntry model class to a table in the database.
Add a Service
Next, we need to register our database context class as a service by adding the following line to the Program.cs file:
This line registers our class as a service, then configures it to use SQL Server as the database provider, then retrieves our connection string.
This registers ApplicationDbContext as a service in the application's dependency injection container. This setup enables the application to inject ApplicationDbContext wherever needed and ensures it is properly configured to interact with the specified SQL Server database.
Run SQL Server
First, ensure that SQL Server is up and running in a docker container.
Use the following guide to set this up if required: Install MS SQL Server On Mac
Open DataGrip (either app or plugin) select connect to database, then select add data source manually.
Set data source to Microsoft SQL Server
Enter port number as 1433 Enter the server name as localhost
Enter the user name as appropriate
Enter the password as appropriate
Click test connection
If test was successful click connect to database
Add a Migration
A migration is an instruction to how we want to modify our database.
Right click on the project name in the solution explorer, select Entity Framework Core then select add migration.
The add migration window will open, with a default name for the migration of 'Initial'. You can either keep this name or change it to something like the name for our table.
Press ok.
Once the process has finished a Migrations folder will be added to the project. This folder contains the class files with the instruction to build our table.
Now, to run the migration to actually create the database and table, right-click on the solution name, select Entity Framework Core, then select update database, then press ok on the window that opens.
To view our table in the database open DataGrip, right-click on the connection, select tools then select manage shown schemas. Select the name of the database you created (it will have been given the name you set in your connection string). Then you can expand the options within the database until you see tables, and the name of our new table (DiaryEntries).
Double-clicking on the table name will show the table columns.
- Note:
If the database does not appear in the list of available schemas, try refreshing the connection, or select add all schemas.
Seeding Data
Within the ApplicationDbContext class, add a new method called OnModelCreating (just typing the name of this method and hitting tab will auto create it).
Within this method, add the following line:
This tells Entity Framework Core that we are configuring the DiaryEntry table in our database (represented by our DiaryEntry class).
HasData is a method that seeds initial data into the table, so the next step os to provide this method with some data:
Now that we have our data ready to be seeded into our table, we need to create a new migration (A new migration is required any time we wish to make a change to our database using Entity Framework).
Follow the steps to create the migration as before, right-click on the solution, select Entity Framework and create migration.
GIve the migration an appropriate name such as AddedSeedingDataDiaryEntry, this will add a new migration file to the migrations' folder. Then, as before, run update database. You should now see the data in your database table.
- Note:
If you reveice an error when trying to run update database stating that the moldel has changed, add this to the AppicationDBContext calss to ignore the error -
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder) { optionsBuilder.ConfigureWarnings(warnings => warnings.Ignore(RelationalEventId.PendingModelChangesWarning)); }