LambdaLuke Help

Install Pinia Manually


The best way to install vue router on a new project is to install it as part of the setup.
These notes are useful for if you need to add it to an existing project that does not include it.

If the project is running press ctrl + c to stop it

Enter the following in the command line to install the latest version of vue router -

npm install pinia

Update main.js

In the main.js file add the following to import Pinia -

import { createPinia } from "pinia";

And then add the using statement to the createApp method -


Add a Store

Create a new folder within the src folder called stores

Then add a JS file with an appropriate name for your store (e.g. storeNotes.js)

Add a import statement and then add the scaffolding for the store, the official website has an example that can be copied -

import { defineStore } from 'pinia' export const useCounterStore = defineStore('counter', { state: () => ({ count: 0, name: 'Eduardo' }), getters: { doubleCount: (state) => state.count * 2, }, actions: { increment() { this.count++ }, }, })

Official website guide -

Then update the names used as appropriate and remove the example methods -

import {defineStore} from 'pinia' export const useStoreNotes = defineStore('storeNotes', { state: () => { return { } } })

Add data to the store -

import {defineStore} from 'pinia' export const useStoreNotes = defineStore('storeNotes', { state: () => { return { notes: [ { id: 'id1', content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ad assumenda eius hic laudantium modi nemo' + ' nihil non nulla numquam obcaecati officiis, provident quasi sed ullam unde velit veniam vero voluptas.', }, { id: 'id2', content: 'This is a shorter note', } ] } } })

Use the Store

Within the component file you wish to access the stores data from, add an import statement -

import {useStoreNotes} from "@/stores/storeNotes.js";

Then create a new const and assign it to the store -

const storeNotes = useStoreNotes()

You should now be able to see the store on the page using the vue dev tools

Last modified: 23 September 2024