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Install Vue Router Manually


The best way to install vue router on a new project is to install it as part of the setup.
These notes are useful for if you need to add it to an existing project that does not include it.

If the project is running press ctrl + c to stop it

Enter the following in the command line to install the latest version of vue router -

npm install vue-router@4

Check website to ensure this is still the latest version -

Create a View or Views

Create a folder called views and then add some view files (these can just contain a div with an h1 for example)

Add a Router file

Create a new folder in the project called router, then add a file called index.js

import createRouter and createWebHashHistory from vue- router

Open the main.js file and add the import statement createRouter from vue-router -

import { createRouter} from "vue-router";

Then import your views -

import ViewNotes from "@/views/ViewNotes.vue"; import ViewStats from "@/views/ViewStats.vue";

create a const called router and assign it to createRouter -

const router = createRouter()

Pass in an object to this function, add the key history with a value of createWebHistory (this will also need to be added to the import statement, but this should happen automatically), and pass in a key of routes -

const router = createRouter({ history: createWebHashHistory(), routes })

Create a const called routes, and set it to an array -

const routes = []

Then update the routes array with the details for the routes. The routes are added as objects with 3 values - path, name and component -

const routes = [ { path: '/', name: 'notes', component: ViewNotes }, { path: '/stats', name: 'stats', component: ViewStats } ]

path is the route for the view, so '/' will indicate that is to the home page
name is used so that we can refer to the route programmatically component is the view file we wish to load at this route

Finally export the component -

export default router

Example completed router file -

import {createRouter, createWebHashHistory} from "vue-router"; import ViewNotes from "@/views/ViewNotes.vue"; import ViewStats from "@/views/ViewStats.vue"; const routes = [ { path: '/', name: 'notes', component: ViewNotes }, { path: '/stats', name: 'stats', component: ViewStats } ] const router = createRouter({ history: createWebHashHistory(), routes }) export default router

update main.js

Import the router -

import router from "@/router/index.js";

Add the using statement to the createApp method -


Use the Router

Go to App.vue and add the router view component to the template -

<template> <router-view></router-view> </template>

The component can be named in either pascal case or kebab case

Add links to the views using router link tags -

<template> <router-link to="/">Notes</router-link> <router-link to="/stats">Stats</router-link> <router-view /> </template>
Last modified: 23 September 2024